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intake of herbal decoction (as decided by physicians)

0615 to 0715

chanting of mantras, Agnihotra fire ceremony, meditation, OM chanting

0800 to 0900


0730 to 1230

consultation with physicians / treatments as scheduled / rest

1100 to 1130

soup / herbal tea

1230 to 1330

lunch followed by herbs (where applicable)

1400 to 1430

yoga nidra or deep relaxation

1430 to 1800

1445 to 1600

consultation with physicians / treatments as scheduled / rest

satsang with vaidyas

1545 to 1615

herbal tea / coconut water

1730 to 1800

intake of herbal decoction (as decided by physicians)

1730 to 1815

satsang or group discussion with the physicians

1815 to 1900

chanting of mantras, Agnihotra fire ceremony, meditation, OM chanting

1900 to 2000

dinner followed by herbs (where applicable)



This is the tentative daily routine; however it is subject to change based on individual recommendation, season etc. As the physicians keep repeating, the primary daily routine is only consultations, treatments, medicines, food, sleep and REST; everything else is secondary. 

Apart from the above daily routine, the following additional activities are conducted on certain days of the week (subject to change) -

Tuesday 1630       Cooking demonstration

Wednesday 1230 Group lunch

Friday 1600           Go puja

Saturday 1630       Kashayam preparation demonstration